Two Slices of Bread

Two Slices of Bread

bread wagon

Matthew 10: 42:  “And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.”

Recently I read a story in one of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s books, “The Power of Positive Thinking”.  It tells of a woman who had no money and all she had in the house to eat was two slices of bread.  When a knock came on her door, she answered it to find a man who was on his way home.  He had been looking for work all day but had found nothing.  He told her his wife was very ill and wondered if she would have any food to spare so he could take some home to his wife.  She thought, all I have are two slices of bread and if I give them to this man, I will have nothing to eat myself, but he looked so pitiful and she thought about his wife being so sick and having nothing to eat, so she gave him the two slices of bread. read more